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Destructive World Gaming

is committed to giving gamer a place to come play competitively and socially. To this end “YOU” the gamer is the fuel that will drive us forward. That’s right YOU! Your participation will strengthen our ability to continue to bring gamers new and innovative gaming environments such as "DWG's "Gamers Night Out" & "GAMERS BARBECUE" as well as Online / Local Tournaments. All of which is leading up to DWG opening their first gaming center. 


Gaming is not a local phenomenon, and in many parts of the world, it is a highly recognized and respected sport (e-sport).  DWG will offer a platform that will broaden the American gamer’s experience while supporting the growth of professional gaming within the United States.


We believe it’s just a matter of time before competitive video gaming evolves into a sport having pro players and leagues similar in size, if not larger, than that of today’s highly paid athletes, traditional sports leagues and multi-billion dollar sports franchises.  DWG will be a major contributor to that athletic innovation, dubbed ‘e-sports’, which is certain to grow exponentially with the continual advancement of gaming technology and the social acceptance of competitive video gaming as a true sport.

Legacy is the newest edition to the Northeast region providing 4 days and 50,000+ sq ft of non-stop 24/7 action hosted at the famous Bally's Casino & Hotel located in Atlantic City,NJ. Legacy is about the Old and the New showcasing amazing talent from all over the world. We will have 1v1, 2v2. and 3v3 tournaments across the board of the many titles that have been apart of the FGC community.

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